About Us
Legend Consulting Group Limited is a privately-owned Colorado corporation that specializes in providing consulting engineering services to clients involved in the regulation, ownership, or operation and maintenance of electric and natural gas utilities. With offices in the Denver, CO metropolitan area, Legend Consulting Group Limited has been providing consulting solutions for over 25 years.
Our professionals include engineers, financial analysts, and technical experts. We provide our clients services in the retail, FERC wholesale, and independent power producer sectors of the utility industry. The expertise of Legend’s professional staff encompasses most major issues facing today’s utility industry and our practice areas include:

Rate Design and Revenue Determination (Retail and FERC)
Economic and Financial Analysis
Expert Witness Testimony (Retail and FERC) and Related Services, Including Strategy Development, Discovery, and Litigation Support
Regulatory Assistance
Ratemaking Treatment of Extraordinary Events, Such as Storms, Including Securitization
Generation and Distributed Energy Resource Planning
Regional Transmission Organization and Independent System Operator Stakeholder Participation
Demand-Side Management Programs
Integrated Resource Planning
Renewable Portfolio Standards